
Mobialia Chess 5


We release today Mobialia Chess version 5 for Android. It is the result of many months of work improving the app. Changelog:

  • Now uses Holo theme in devices with Android >= 3
  • New standard actionbar with new icons and new menus
  • New sidebar in online play to access all the sections: you can show it sliding in the screen from left to right or pressing the top left icon
  • New Observe section listing current games in the chess server
  • We moved the old observe options to the new Observe screen: now you can “follow” the best games in each category
  • New Messages section to read and send messages in the chess server
  • Support for playing on the ICC Chess Server as Guest (requires two more app permissions to generate the device ID)
  • New Events section when connecting to ICC
  • New History screen replacing the old “Examine last game” option, now you can examine or send by email all your played games

As this version brings great changes, we provide links to download the old 4.3.2 version for users who prefer it (or users experiencing some kind of problem with the new version, but please send us an email explaining your problem). We also offer the download of the last version from the Mobialia Chess page because we found many pages offering versions of Mobialia Chess that are viruses:

Mobialia Chess Free v4.3.2 Download APK
Mobialia Chess v4.3.2
(only works for users who purchased Mobialia Chess)
Download APK

You can contribute with the translations here.

Online Play in Mobialia Chess Web


We release today a new version of our Mobialia Chess Web App with lots of fantastic new features:

  • Online Play at FICS and ICC
  • Chess Challenges to solve looking for the best move
  • A new start screen with access to all the new options
  • A new settings screen
  • Redesign with new menus and dialogs
  • Multi-language support: English, Spanish, Deutsch, Portuguese, French and Italian
  • Responsive design: it works now with any screen size
  • Download size optimization: we added a lot of functionality but reduced 1Mb the size of the app
  • Speed improvements: it does not perform well yet on mobile devices but we are working this way

We have been working hard the last months to port almost all the functionality from the Android App to the Web App.

Mobialia Chess is available as a Chrome Web App and a Firefox App, and of course, you can play at:


New Slot Racing Web App

Today we are launching a new Web App for our Slot Racing game:


You can view the new Drivers & Countries Championship, browse user circuits, view players, times… and also PLAY in your desktop browser… in 3D! As a bonus we also added the multiplayer mode.

We also updated the Slot Racing Android app to v.1.1.2 with many bug fixes.

Changes in Slot Racing v1.1

It’s been a long time since the last Slot Racing Update, we were working a lot in this version:

OpenFeint was acquired by Gree, and Gree is about to close it, so we removed the OpenFeint Integration and implemented our own FaceBook based leaderboards. Why FaceBook?

  • Almost everybody has a Facebook account
  • With this new system we can have a leaderboard for each user-created circuit
  • Leaderboards are integrated in the “Finish Race” screen, showing your best time and your position in the leaderboard
  • We think that showing the user’s real name and country in the leaderboards is more engaging
  • User circuits are now linked to user’s FaceBook account, and you can modify them from any device

We added a local multiplayer mode, up to 4 players can now play in the same phone/tablet (depends of your device’s multitouch support). In this mode there is a number for each lane and players must press their lane’s number to accelerate.

This new version also has a new NASCAR-style car. As this is a very common request, we are working to add more cars.

Now user circuits can have name in the select circuit view, the name is assigned when you upload the circuit to our servers. Also, the new user circuits URL is http://slot.mobialia.com/circuits/, a prettier jquery mobile site.

Ads in the game menus are now smaller and we removed the ads while playing, replacing them by an interstital ad at the end of the race.

We redesigned the menus, stilyzing the buttons and simplifying navigation.

And finally, we also improved the underlying 3D library:

  • Solves some force-close issues with the editor
  • Solves z-buffer issues in some devices
  • And improves speed
  • Solves some multitouch issues

We hope you will enjoy this new version, it you prefer the old OpenFeint version, please don’t blame us, you can download and install it from here.


Mobialia Chess 3D for Chrome

mobialia_chess_chomeToday we are proud to announce the release of Mobialia Chess 3D for Google Chrome.

We used our experience with Mobialia Chess for Android to create the most amazing HTML5 chess app. You can play (also with Firefox) at http://chess.mobialia.com


Mobialia Chess Themes

We just released an update to Mobialia Chess including themes for the board and pieces. You can check all the available themes at http://www.mobialia.com/chess-themes/ and install them from Settings->Theme.

Also, if you are a design freak you can also build easily your themes. A theme is a zip file (but with the extension changed to .chesstheme) that can contain one or more of this files:

  • playing_background.png: 1024×512 background image for the 2D board
  • piece_set.png: usually a 450×150 image with the PNBRQK images for the 2D board in two rows (whites up)
  • light_square.png: square image (usually 64×64) with the texture for the light squares (for both 2D and 3D)
  • dark_square.png: idem for the dark squares
  • light_piece.png: square image (usually 64×64) with the texture for the light pieces in 3D
  • dark_piece.png: idem for the dark pieces
  • board_border.png: square image (usually 512×512) to be used as the table for the board in 3D

The chess app will open all the files with the .chesstheme extension: to install a custom theme, you can open it from any android filemanager and the “Open with” dialog will pop-up including the “Open with Mobialia Chess” option.

Also, if you create a theme please send it to us and we will add it to the official page.

Happy theming!

New app: RBKube

Do you like the challenges?, if you do so RBKube is what you were looking for: our new game specially designed for puzzle lovers like you.

Try to solve the most mind-blowing 3d puzzles: Pocket Cube (2x2x2), classic Rubik’s Cube (3x3x3), Rubik’s Revenge / Master Cube (4x4x4), Professor’s Cube (5x5x5), Pyraminx, Square-1 / Super Cubix, Megaminx (6 and 12 colors) and Sudoku Cube. All in a single app, and with more puzzles coming soon!.

Share your times and compete with other players around the world with the integrated OpenFeint platform. Try to become the fastest player and show us your skills!.

RBKube is available for free on Google Play.


User circuits for Slot Racing

We updated our Slot Racing game with more cars, more control types (a bigger slider and a tap control) and more fun!

Now you can also send us easily your circuits and we will add them to our user contributed circuits page.  Press “Options->Send Circuit to Mobialia” on the circuit editor.


New Four-in-a-Row 2D and 3D

We just released a new version of out Four in a Row app integrating the 2D and 3D versions and adding other improvements like HD graphics.

We unpublished the 3D version and encourage our Four in a Row 3D users to upgrade to the new Four in a Row app.


Introducing the Slot Racing Circuit Editor

We just updated our Slot Racing game on the Android Market adding the circuit editor. Now you can use your imagination to build the most incredible circuits.

It’s quite simple to use, you can press a track button to add it to the circuit. There is a “save” button to store the circuit (if it is closed) and a cross to delete the last track added. The editor supports the “pinch to zoom” gesture to zoom in or out. you can also slide your finger to change the viewing angle.

You can raise or lower the track with two buttons (up and down arrow), but there are also two special tracks, the “up” and the “down” that are quarter straights curved 11.25 degrees (90º/8). You can also add the “bridge” decoration to any elevated track.

If you play via bluetooth on a custom circuit, this circuit is automatically added to your opponent’s circuit list, so it’s very easy to share your circuits.

Circuits are stored on the “SlotRacing/” directory of the SD card. We created a simple XML format to define the circuits, and yes, you can create your circuit collection and share them among devices copying this folder.

If you create a great circuit and you want us to include it on the “Simple” or “4 Lane” category, send us your XML and we will add it.

Hope you enjoy this new feature!